Here is a White-faced Ibis. One has to wonder, why does North America get all the drab, unsuspecting-looking ibises like this White-faced Ibis? Why not some stunner that blows your eyes out like the Central/South American Scarlet Ibis? Why do our ibises not crap out rainbows like Kim Jong-un, at least? Also, if the Ibisbill was named after the ibis but taxonomically diverged earlier, should'n't an ibis be called an Ibisbillbill?
Anna's Hummingbirds can flare up their gorgets for a millisecond and force even the twitchiest, trash-bird-scorning birder aspiring to be Neil Hayward and Sandy Komito combined go "Maybe I could stop chasing after what will be lifer #9,920 for a second and appreciate this thing....well, nahhhh." They can also balance on one toe.